

  • 供給側結構性改革

    Supply-side structural reform
  • ?推動形成全面開放新格局

    to make new ground in pursuing opening up on all fronts
  • ?轉方式、調結構、增動力

    to change growth model, improve economic structure, and gather new growth momentum
  • 穩(wěn)就業(yè)、穩(wěn)金融、穩(wěn)外貿(mào)、穩(wěn)外資、穩(wěn)投資、穩(wěn)預期

    To maintain stability in employment, financial operations, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, and market expectations
  • 深化多雙邊合作

    to continue multilateral and bilateral cooperation
  • ?優(yōu)化營商環(huán)境

    to improve the business environment
  • ?擴大市場開放

    to open up the market
  • 中國經(jīng)濟新常態(tài)

    The new normal of China’s economy
  • ?開放共享的世界經(jīng)濟

    an open world economy for mutual benefits
  • ?開放創(chuàng)新的世界經(jīng)濟

    an open world economy with innovation
  • 經(jīng)濟發(fā)展新常態(tài)

    A new normal for economic development
  • ?開放合作的世界經(jīng)濟

    an open world economy through cooperation
  • 健全宏觀調控體系

    To improve the macro regulatory system
  • ?"十四五"時期

    the 14th Five-Year Plan period
  • 市場在資源配置中起決定性作用

    The decisive role of the market in resource allocation
  • ?完善財政轉移支付制度

    to improve the financial transfer payment system
  • 高質量發(fā)展

    Quality development / High-quality development
  • 建設現(xiàn)代化經(jīng)濟體系

    To develop a modernized economy
  • ?形成全國統(tǒng)一開放、競爭有序的商品和要素市場

    to form a unified, open, competitive and orderly market for all commodities and production factors throughout the country
  • ?加快推動綠色制造

    to accelerate efforts for green manufacturing
  • 共享發(fā)展

    Development for the benefit of all
  • ?探索海峽兩岸融合發(fā)展新路

    to explore a new way of integrated development on both sides of the Taiwan Straits
  • ?營造有利于創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)創(chuàng)造的良好發(fā)展環(huán)境

    to create a development environment conducive to innovation, startups, and entrepreneurship
  • 開放發(fā)展

    Development for global progress
  • ?高速增長階段轉向高質量發(fā)展階段

    to transition from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality developmentto move from rapid growth to high-quality development
  • 綠色發(fā)展

    Green development
  • 協(xié)調發(fā)展

    Coordinated development
  • ?穩(wěn)增長、促改革、調結構、惠民生、防風險、保穩(wěn)定

    to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve people's wellbeing, guard against risks, and ensure stability
  • 創(chuàng)新發(fā)展

    Innovation-driven development
  • ?保護走出去企業(yè)合法權益

    to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises operating overseas
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